I Stand Alone...
Circles in the sky, white ivory trinkets...
Caresses soft…touching...
The essence of the soul...
Anticipating, hoping, whispers of soft memories.....
Left unspoken....
Leaning Grasses, purple fields, rustling winds…
An embodiment of the spirit………
Sing to the heart, worlds apart, white foam,..
Blue horizons...
Untamed Sunsets...
All hold that song...
Careless words, once, twice, tattered souls,
Chipped walls and...
Faded yellow roses...
They somehow mark the years of silence..
Glass stained tears,....
Encumber within me..
Shattered dreams...
Timeless love lost...
To the misery of locked hearts...
I fall..with stains upon my soul...
Prevailing thoughts left untold...
Golden gates yearning soft goodbyes,
Among the darkness...
I stand... Alone.....
What has happened to you...???