This Insane World

He made the mistake of reading the news today. Reminded, yet again, of the insanity that surrounds us; the human beasts we are forced to co-exist with. A truth that at times, is almost too much to bear.

200 might be dead as major quake hits Indonesia: Officials. Typhoon Ketsana toll touches 331. 14 women, 6 children among 35 dead in Kerala tourist boat capsize. 'Pshyco' dad locked up 3 daughters, wife for 7 years in Mumbai. Man kills kids and wife, commits suicide. Disabled kid debarred from exams. 10 killed in bus-truck collision. Private bus-owners threaten to call strike. 2 killed, 2 injured in gang war.

He finished the list, turned off the computer and gently shut the lid. Walked to his bedroom, closed the curtains, climbed into bed, pulled the covers over his head; and gently wept like a girl.

Some people laugh and call it silly.
Some people label him anti-social.

Some think he’s naive, lost in his own world.
Some call him a self-centered and arrogant.

Some advise he should cut the apron strings.

Some get it.

Some never will.

He didn’t ask to be here. Wasn’t an errant soul who mistakenly happened into this world; sent here as punishment for behaving indifferently, or waiting for that next big reincarnation, in search of a real adventure.
But he is.

That doesn’t mean he has to like it. Doesn’t mean that by being “one with the universe,” he must accept that being part of the “whole,” means we are “all one.” He’s not certain if he will ever accept that as truth. Perhaps that’s why he’s here now. Perhaps that’s the one thing that keeps bringing him back; over and over again.

He has a very clear vision of the duality of good and evil that lives within each and every human being. Possesses an uncanny ability to penetrate the façade, see behind the veil, and into the soul where good and evil resides. A gift? A curse? Call it what you will, but its something he has lived with his entire life. Defining and honing in his adulthood. Used as a tool to reason and rationalize paths taken in his younger days. Researching and recording events predicted, premonitions seen, deja vu witnessed.

His path is a winding one. His journey is of a spiritual nature. Not in search of God, for he knows where He dwells, but rather to obtain a better understanding of the why’s and how’s of this material world, as well as the afterworld and those who dwell in between the two.

Knowing for certain that when we reach the highest realm of being, we will be shown the ultimate reality; when everything else leading to it, is nothing but illusion; an illusion that all too often is filled with real life monsters, who take lives and destroy souls.

There is a very real battle of good and evil, existing in all corners of the world, every single minute of every single day. Well aware of the ever-present threat, he does not wear blinders because he’s too weak or uncaring to handle the truth of the world. He does it out of necessity; for his own personal survival.

He is unable to return the gift he was given; to lift the curse and see only what he chooses; incapable of numbing himself to the truth within the illusion, by allowing himself to be spoon fed images that television executives and the media think we need to see and hear, by simply tuning in and zoning out. It doesn’t work that way for him.

But, oh, how he sometimes wishes it did…


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