a Me and a Her - a Story Untold.

Well, this post is dedicated to a friend of mine.. Writing about her never occurred to the mind, but somehow today it had to happen. It goes on like this..

Fact 1. We didn't talk(or talk once in a thousand times) when we were together in the school.
Fact 2. We only knew each other formally.(though shes' a girl and as usually, girls remember a lot of things)
Fact 3. When we found each other again after years, we talked as if we were quite familiar to each other.
Fact 4. All facebook apps I use still put her in coveted positions.
Fact 5. I(and for that matter she too) still don't understand how did I connect so easily so closely with her after such a long gap.
Fact 6. Its too much boring this way. I should get random.

Well, as a friend, I really love her, just for a simple fact. I don't know if I would think of her as the first choice if asked about who my best friend is; but I damn well know she's just somewhere near, everytime I think of being alone. She might say this is getting exaggerated, but she would also state the same point, and I know it. She is just the kind whose presence alleviates the tough times, no matter she's physically present near or not. Okay, I wouldn't stretch more.

She is.. well one who's meant to be tough, that she is, but I know, she needs space. She can't go on being tough to everything for long. She feels too. I remember, by crooked laws of God, when his father retired to dwell in the heavens, she had conveyed me the news. And she was not crying. And I, being an idiot as I am, faltered while talking to her that day. I felt for her inside, but somehow couldn't talk it out. I was, I was stunned. Afterwards I felt a lot let down that day, for sure. Then after a few days I met her and there she was, tough and normal!

Another thing which comes to mind is those times when I reconnected with her during my engineering career. She went on reminding me about childhood days at school for a couple of months or so.(I am quite a retard at remembering things, you know) I liked those sessions because someone was there not talking about studies, not about future, not about bad days, not about problems, but about the good times spent earlier. Spending time with her was pleasing.

Of course, she easily understands me, and she's among the selected few who know me inside out. But when I start to tell about her, it just gets weird! Nothing of that sort comes to me! But I wanna say that dear, please don't befriend others at face value only. People wait for chances to hurt you, so Don't, Don't ever get affected by emotional nuisances they create. Live your life by your words. The world will be yours then.

Okay, bahut chaat liya na? Lets wind up, then.

It's been so good to have you as a friend:
As sweet and rich as honey-colored sand
A bed of lilies across a young summer pond,
Building times with all that love can lend.
A little now and then you have things on hand,
Thats quite okay, and also your griefs to tend.
But I want to be the strong and caring one
To count to you the lovely things you've done
Until such troubles pass and sorrows end.
To put on your lips a smile thats divine,
And show that 'we' span longer than time.


  1. so sweet this bond of friendship and so tender and delicate it seems but its really amazing how at testing times it stands hard and high as a rock and nothing ever breaks it...

  2. nt always mallick, thrs always a flipside


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