Why There Is No Such Thing As #ModernTradition

I am not going to lean back much on how "Tradition" started. As far as I understand, the beginning of Tradition were Language, and Power. These are two different things, with only one similarity - the inherent desire to express. Then words like "Faith", "Love", "God", and "Culture" were introduced for the simplicity, or, as I put it, for instilling an utter delirium in the minds of the masses so that wicked persons got to rule easily. Yeah, Traditions, Culture, Ideals - all of these were built on bloody layers of history.

Any tradition is a system of learned and shared meanings. People learn and share things over the course of generations, and so we say this clan has such tradition. Now that we are back to the 21st century, ask yourself - Is there such thing as #ModernTradition? Everyone takes what he deems suitable to his lifestyle. And then coins it his tradition. And his generations follow. People have this habit of sucking up to Power. They never question, they just follow. Rarely do people like Da Vinci and Annie Besant rise up like a phoenix and start a visible change. But then people just like a show. After a few days, months, or years, this so-called change is diminished to a few head-strong social activists and a handful of people who believe in them.

The shift from rural life to urban life is at the core of the development of modern tradition, they say. I say, its just the pain in our hearts - the pain of being excluded, being termed as a loner. We act weird, as the others, we dress up similar to our favorite celebs, we walk, we talk and do everything as they do. The meaning of conservatism has been highly trimmed by now. True conservationists have humility, modesty and a sense of public duty. They are anti-ideological in spirit. But since our morality has taken a back seat now, the modifications and exceptions in our so called tradition are not made by the process of logic but by the rules of prudence, which come from the self-proclaimed leaders of the masses.

What good is blabbering about #ModernTradition but omitting out the topic of Feminism? Patriarchy, Sex, Right are all being used in the wrong meanings all over in this world. Even the movies and commercials depict the same. No, I won't talk about those powerless women being raped and mocked at in public. This has been done like a zillion times in the blogosphere and social media. This time I would focus on a select group of Feminists - the Conservatives and the sex-positive.

The problem is that patriarchy sees only radical feminists as real feminists, and most women are actually kinda accepting it. Which is not, cos both the sex positive feminists and conservative feminists are also feminists.

While women bicker about whether or not porn is empowering, they are being systematically marginalized, turned away from jobs, thrown out of school, their kids and workspaces and money and privacy taken away from them. Not all men do it. But shamefully there is this pleasure hungry clan of patriarchy who epitomizes sex as the ultimate passion, and women only mere tools for it.
This baseless characterization is responsible for so many misconceptions around feminism and what a fad women’s collective empowerment is.

So, the next time, you've a hair cut like a star, or dress up like him or her, just think the kind of justice you're doing to the real you. Believe me, there is no such thing as #ModernTradition. Its what's you are, at the core of your heart. Nothing will be wrong from then onwards.

I am happy that Indispire has offered bloggers to give their take on #ModernTradition. Those who didn't like it, I will try to put up a better piece the next time. My take was a long piece, thank you for taking pains in reading it. Love.
Image Courtesy: The Logical Indian 


  1. What appears modern is often more primitive than the savage.

  2. First tell me say what I repeat often - Every week we read many stories on rapes, female infanticide and domestic violence. We vent out our anger and emotions so heavily that we almost present women as a weaker being. Why don’t we write more about the strength of women and glorify her? I am fed up reading such stories on net. Coming back to your post - tradition in India is nothing but a means to create a sense of fear and used whom it favors.

    I concur what you said about modern tradition in the concluding lines.

  3. An interesting post with some interesting views. I agree with most of your post. The title was intriguing which made me read it whole and yes you have justified your post with it.


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