Wait till the Next Rape!

The great B. R. Ambedkar believed that the Indian State would be able to remove inequality in social and economic life. But the track record of the Indian Republic in the last 63 years doesn’t inspire much confidence in that regard. What will be the trigger for such a social transformation? How can we kickstart the process of moral regeneration? This blogger doesn’t have the definite answer but one possible way is for each one of us to propagate and inculcate the right values in our own spheres of influence. Slow and unglamorous,but are there any better alternatives?

A country like ours, though can’t afford to wait for a few generations to get rid of a heinous crime like rape. The government has been promising a lot of things now-a-days, post-Delhi-girl-rape-case. CCTV cameras in buses, more policemen, women-specific helplines, politics-free police, quick convictions, and so on. But none of this will happen. We will end up with some cosmetic steps to satisfy the outraged public and keep the media at bay. And we will wait TILL THE NEXT RAPE gets sensationalized - one of the 24,000 rape cases reported every year from India – to start all over again.


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