Don't Be Friends With People Who Travel

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness." ~ Mark Twain
These people are the one with the messy, unkempt hair. Their skin is rough, it's covered with dirt, wounds and wrinkles here and there. No routine is ever conquered by them. But for every flaw in their life, they have an interesting story to tell. Always.

You can never make them happy, of course. Unless you're as mad a nomad as they're. They dream of catching the Sun in their hands. So catering to their wishes is bankruptcy. But they don't play silly. They won't pay heed to your everyday nuances. 

Their soul craves for endless adventures and unchained freedom. They won't be impressed with your new hectic job and your expensive watch. They'd rather climb a rock or jump out of an airplane than hear you brag about it.

Chances are, they don’t hold a steady job. Or a steady life either. They refrain from working their asses off for someone else’s dream. They daydream and believe in taking the leap of faith. They make some money from designing, writing, photography or something that requires creativity and imagination. Don’t waste their time complaining about your boring day job. They go out and take what life has to offer and challenge you to do the same.

They have chosen a life of uncertainty. They don’t have a plan or a permanent address, instead go with the flow and follow their heart. They dance to the beat of her own drum. The watch doesn't adorn their wrists. Their days are ruled by the sun and the moon. When the waves are calling, life stops and they'll be oblivious to everything else for a moment. Their life isn't defined by Excel sheets.

They might never need you. They know how to screw up and put things back to task again. They manage cooking and aren't afraid of the dark. They're egoistic, too independent and won't care whether you travel with them or not. They're busy living in the present. They will meet interesting, like-minded people from around the world who share the same passion. But you will definitely bore them.

In short, if you're not the fool who takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks reason and self-control and is absolutely for a new day everyday; then forget being friends, or even dating, with such people. You live satisfactorily in this world, they live joyously in the priceless moments.


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